Andulos: A high fantasy setting set in the 1930s

“Behold, Yuukoma! Jewel of Andulos and the heart of the world!”

“For a thousand years it was the envy of the world, for here three seas and three continents meet, but Yuukoma never fell to the ambition of others and the envy grew.”

“But the world is changing, the Machina Era is upon Andulos, brought upon by the leader of the free world, the Republic of Ardium!”

“Presidsnt Aeron Forged the Iron Union with its allies of the Kingdom of Galia and the Holy State of Balbadoe, and together the trio brought the South to heel.”

“Yuukoma fell behind at the rapid pace of the Machina Era, and slowly its power withered.”

“The Iron Union sensed weakness, and now the dream of a hundred vanquished nations was within reach. The Iron Union brought more allies to its fold and struck!”

“The War for Yuukoma was short, but incredibly bloody. The Empire did not go down without a fight.“

"To the west Karkanum’s massive hordes surged through the plains with the promise of more land and the warm seas. “

“To the east the Mansurians wanted to steal the spot under the sun from Yuukoma and reclaim past glories!”

“But it was in the south where Yuukoma broke under the weight of the Iron Union’s three founders. With the capital Yucekent and its millions of people threatened, Exalted Prince Izana and Lady Lissa surrendered.”

“Vainas, an ally of Yuukoma and enemy of Karkanum raised its flags for war, led by the Grand Duchess Yelna.”

“Tijara was outraged, the Council of Gold had invested so much in Yuukoma and now it was gone because of the Iron Union.”

“The heart of the world has shattered, all those who tread will bleed.”

Creating a collaborative worldbuilding and rp group and would be happy if you take interest. It's still new and a lot of things need to be written, but I'd like to build a community.