Getting Started w/ Mutual Aid

This is just a rundown of Mutual Aid info - there is a larger Wiki attached that can be added to over time as other resources or information is available.

Mutual Aid is a network that can exist without government permission or support. This post will serve as a "beginner guide" to Mutual Aid. How to find more information, how to begin on your own, and how to help people in your community.

Try this not-exhaustive Reading List. Utilize libraries, free book/ebook sources, and other community lending libraries.

  1. First look to see if there is mutual aid already established in your area. This can be as easy as getting on instagram, facebook or a search engine & searching "mutual aid, city, state."
  2. If you need to start something without an existing resource start small. Use your existing network of friends, neighbors, coven, book club, or even church to begin. Know who has a car to drive someone to medical appointments, someone who can pay for gas, who can prepare or drop off food to the homebound.
  3. Expand this network (sometimes referred to as "pods") from your own acquaintances to their acquaintances. Remember when your teacher would pass out an assignment, holding the bundle of papers, but passing a portion of sheets to each student at the head of the row & those students turning & passing the rest down? You might not be able to reach the teacher but you can reach the student in front of and behind you. Get to know who is around you - and make sure they are getting to know who is around them.
  4. You might create a shared resource to let individuals know who has something to share and who has a need so that resources can get where they need to go. This could be a google doc, a community job board, email blast, zine, etc.
  5. As a network grows you can become more official - creating an LLC, EIN, or 5013c - to make it easier to collect and disperse funds, make purchases, rent spaces, etc. This isn't required, but can prevent any one individual from being responsible for taxes, fees, or fines related to your work.
  6. Too many rules can limit people, but creating rules based around shared goals can ensure safety and trust without creating a burden.
  7. Don't undervalue what you have to offer. Even if all you have is time, use it to help someone else. If someone is at home during the business day, they can receive packages that are delivered that require a signature or person to be available. This can mean that sensitive items can always be received for delivery. Or someone with a phone and a lot of time can wait on hold on a busy line and conference in the person who cannot wait on hold b/c of their job or restricted use of a phone line.

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By providing support to one another we create trust in our community. You can also utilize Reddit as a community resource by searching out subReddits with goals of being prepared for the future.

I recommend checking out r/leftistpreppers and r/TwoXPreppers as the first stops on a Reddit journey.