The final quest sucks big ones. (Spoiler obviously 🩷)

I finally got to the end (I think) of the main story quest and boy has it been a ride. This is my first time playing through this game so there’s no prior knowledge here.

So I find out ciri is on the isle of mists from my boy uma and set out to gather the squad to fight the wild hunt. This is the precise moment my playthrough fell into the shitter.

I finally get to the island ready to save my daughter and put an end to the hunt. Oh wait there’s some stupid fucking dwarves blocking my path naturally. I don’t have the heart to just slaughter them there so I guess I have to help them. Oh wait one of the lost dwarves has narcolepsy naturally in a land filled with the shittiest designed monsters known to the Witcher universe. Dope.

Moral of the story, water hags fucking suck. Harpies need to be eradicated from this land.