Coda Dual Torxica with extra Status Duration is no joke

I haven't fully completed my build yet, I need more Forma to get the Torxica to level 40 to change their element.

But in my initial runs with the weapon I noticed that the cold Procs of the spores it sends out when you kill enemies always proc exactly a maximum of 6 cold procs. The older procs expire and then are replaced with new ones.

So I put extra status Duration on the Dual Torxica just to test it out and it seems like the spores are affected by the extra Status Duration. Now the spores can actually reach 10 Cold procs and freeze enemeis solid.

I then added Secondary Shiver to benefit from those cold procs and from the innate damage bonus to affected enemies and it really works wonders.

In my full build I want to go for Corrosive + Cold with an elemental Cold bonus, so that I can also proc Cold on the initial target that isn't affected by the spores.