Worst Farm So Far

Equinox. Yup. Just Equinox.

I say this after farming Voruna, Dagath, Citrine, Nidus, Caliban, Gyre (close second though), Grendel, and Hildryn.

Why Equinox? It's not because farming her is hard. No, it's pretty simple really. It's that you have to do Tyl Regor...

This fight is so dull, tedious, drawn out, and visually uncomfortable. On top of being in a map with truly crappy pathing, almost on par with kuva fortress.

Then there is the complete lack of any deterministic method of farming the parts, it's all rng. You could get the parts in 10 runs, or you could get 10 of the same part.

Having to run this mission over and over and over is without question, one of the most soul sucking, mindnumbing, things in this game.