Cyte-09 ?’s

  1. Starting with aura’s dose worthy comradery work on you as well or solely squad mates cause based off mod description it sounds like the latter rather then former? #2. dose the ammo from his resupply ability proc archon mods further more dose the cold damage from his sniper work with archon continuity? #3. He gets extra weak point critical chance by 1% potentially up to 300%,so should I worry about adding extra then normal critical chance to guns if their already hitting hard and further more would peculiar growth be a waste of an exlius mod slot if the goal is quicker weak point hits? #4. Is the riffle mod that adds extra status chance per weak point hit good or unnecessary over other riffle damage mods? #5. Is the reconifex riffle worth it to use with cyte-09 or would I be better off sticking with my already harder hitting quellor,prisma Gorgon incarnon,etc? #6 what warframe arcane would be best on him aside from arcane rage? #7 primary acranes which is best primary exhilarate or primary dead head of the two? Any answers in order of numbered question’s is helpful. He’s currently on stage 2 in the forge with 24 hours left until he’s done so I’m asking these questions as I’m currently contemplating a build I’m sitting on 54 built forma a built warframe exlius adapter and 7 umbra forma which I’ve held onto just incase specifically for him and weapons for him.