Hypersexuality and Omegle :(

When I was younger like way early teen I used Omegle as a way to cope with my hyper sexuality. I know it’s awful but due to problems and trauma I’d feel the urge to be gr00med. I know how chronically online and awful that sounds but somehow it was a toxic coping mechanism that gave me lots of comfort. One night on video chat I was all done up and had a dress on. I was venting to a random stranger abt how everyone on the site wanted to use me just for my body. I know it’s dumb, but in those 5 mins he made me feel gullible and safe. He convinced me to roll Down the top of my dress. I had a bra but refused to take it off. I did stuff with my chest I shouldn’t have. So much time later and I shudder at the thought of it. There is most likely cp of me somewhere and I feel actually sick thinking of it. I hate myself for it. I’d also like to mention I had a gf who I’m still with. I feel awful I haven’t confessed or confided in her. She has sm sa trauma too, from a wayyy younger age. I’m just so ashamed I basically cheated with old old men to cope. I even used to “send” as a child because I felt happy doing it. It always ended with me just sad on the bathroom floor though. In that time I was self harming, causing drama, etc. that time always comes back to me. How can I tell my gf in an awful person hiding this for years? I’m such a crappy person my heart aches. I feel so scared knowing cp with my face is probably on the internet. That I rlly interacted with this. I just want to erase it from my memories.