So I finish Usogui after giving it a second chance and ...

Well it was alright. Like setting the art aside from the story because the art is pretty great. Though when I read past chapter 100, people were saying that the next few arc are beyond masterpiece and I think it was a bit overhype. I read a lot of mind game manga before like akagi, kaiji, liar game, Alice in borderland, tomodachi, one out,... This one story is decent. Not bad but not to the point where I think it was that great. I personally just don't think that the mind game aspect is that good compare to liar game, kaiji or tomodachi. It really start to get convoluted by the end with the leap second being planned that far back. Many people also praise the fight as well. Me personally would prefer either it lean on either the fighting aspect or the mind game since they break each other pace too much. Overall it a 7/10 for me but do feel free to add thing you like about it that i might have miss