Unplanned Gap year has left me confused- should I retake a levels?
To properly explain my situation we have to go back to A levels results day. I missed my Cambridge offer which obviously crushed me, yet after reflecting on my progress and talking to others, I don’t blame myself. I realised that things weren’t necessarily in my favour- I had extenuating circumstances which may have impacted my potential in reaching my offer (my family facing an ongoing eviction from our council house + I may have an undiagnosed learning disability and the only help i managed to get was extra time in exams as I don’t have an official disability diagnosis- a bit complicated but I’m trying to sort out a diagnosis)
Now, I got into my insurance uni, which is UCL, yet I am having trouble enrolling due to some document issues which may not be resolved in time for the enrolment deadline, meaning UCL may have to defer my offer. The idea of being forced to take a gap year and not be able to just immerse myself into university and move on from cambridge, is ruining me. It doesn’t help that a lot of people I know managed to meet their offers for oxbridge, so now I have to constantly see matriculation pictures here and there. I don’t know, maybe it’s my inability to accept my situation that makes me wonder that ,if I do have to take a gap year, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try and resit the A levels that made me miss my offer; I‘m aware oxbridge isn't too kind on A level resitting applicants but just incase I can prove my initial situation was disadvantageous .
I’m not sure if someone with a deferred offer could retake their a levels though? I don’t know what my options are. I wish I could just get enrolled and I’ve tried all I can and well it’s all a waiting game and I’m scared. I don’t want to make the wrong decision and get caught up in an unnecessary mess. I don’t mind UCL as staying in London would mean I can save money by only moving out for first year for the experience but I still feel so disoriented. If any of you have managed to read this far to reach this point thanks for keeping up with me 😭 I think I’m just very young and very confused and very very scared If i haven’t already mentioned it a thousand times ❤️.