Airwing screwed me. Please help!!

I'm at the point where I don't wanna reenlist. Yuma has treated me like ass. The thing is, I am forced to reenlist. I found out that during my 3 years at a specific squadron, before I PCA'd to a new unit, they only documented about 5-10 hours of maintenance hours for me. That is the most fucked up thing to ever happen. Now I have ZERO PROOF that I ever worked on jets and my job lineup's are no longer there, ALL BECAUSE THAT FUCKED UP SQUADRON DECIDED TO ONLY PUT CDI'S AND THERE FAVORITE GUYS ON THE WORK ORDERS!!! If I am correct, based off my research, that is illegal especially because if a jet crashed, they'll collect every single workorder ever done on that jet to find out what happened. They didn't document the dudes they disliked and now we're fucking struggling and they're potentially committing a crime for improper documentation. PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO!! I LITERALLY CANNOT GET A GOOD JOB OUTSIDE THE MARINE CORPS BECAUSE THESE FUCKERS SCREWED ME!! I have been treated bad enough by the people around me at that unit. All I do is work my ass off and try to do what's right. I strive to be greater than my current state. I ensure to train new Marines and make them feel welcome and understand the job. It's shitty that I am about to finish my enlistment as a FUCKING Junior Marine (LCpl). I don't deserve this shit. I worked too damn hard to be thrown to the fucking curb and treated like junior trash, despite my knowledge and experience. I have the basic quals that I guess I shouldn't have since there are no workorders to prove that I ever did any other to earn those quals. I still am not a Plane Captain either, even though I've done every rep possible, every inspection possible and have performed close to 100 or more plane captain functions to gain that qual. My leadership never signed the reps off or included me in the BOS/POS/IOS workorders. They only signed off the dudes they liked more than the rest. If I reenlist, I wanna go to an entirely different duty station where I can reset and hopefully gain my motivation and trust back into my leadership and the Marine Corps as a whole. The Marine Corps doesn't suck, the people do. I called the unit that my monitor will send me to if I reenlist and they seem to have a good command and good shop attitude. That SSgt I called is willing to help me recoupe and earn my trust back into the Marine Corps again. I am a Powerliner by the way.