My Village is Almost Complete :)

My first Reddit post ever. I’ve only been playing since October, so I cannot wait for the green grass to come back.

When decorating, I tried to go for realistic as much as possible.

I turned Chi’s into a bookstore and Moca’s into a bathhouse. Then I felt guilty about depriving them of their homes so I turned Tsuki’s into apartments and they each get a floor. (Please forgive me for making Tsuki a landlord 😭 just a city bunny in a country bunny’s world, I guess…)

I am still figuring out Tsuki’s yard so ignore that. I really wish we had more tiles outside on that lot. It’s hard to form a cohesive design on those plots since one is a side yard and the other is the backyard. I figure it’s to maintain perspective but still… mama wants to decorate.

I’d also kill for more grapes. I just want a vineyard so bad…

Lastly, not being able to move furniture inside of town hall is criminal.