the critical drinker is a media illerate, culture war loving, misogynistic asshole.
as a lover of movies, you can probably guess that most of the videos i watch on youtube are about movies. from film analysis to film criticism. and one channel that has been rising to prominence in recent years is the critical drinker. now, i disagree with most of his opinions but that would be perfectly fine...if he was actually a good person. but no. he's an asshole.
for starters, despite being a film critic, i don't think i've ever seen someone with less media literacy in my entire life. he doesn't know the first thing about film criticism. all he does is bitch and complain about movies while never bringing up any redeeming qualities. and that goes the other way as well. he never mentions anything negative about the rare good thing he reviews.
he is a classic pot stirrer. he seems more interested in creating an us vs them dynamic with regards to his fanbase then he is actually reviewing. he deliberately ignores the several great and good movies that come out every year in order to perpetuate the myth that there are no good movies nowadays.
in his video of the runner ups for the best and worst movies of 2024, in frame out, a film critic who i actually respect, described the critical drinker as the andrew tate of film criticism. and in my opinion, this is an apt description since both of them are misogynistic assholes. he seems to especially go after movies with female leads, referring to the protagonists as "girl bosses". and he seems to think that he's not sexist because he likes ripley and buffy. and that extends to real life women as well. he seems to be under the impression that every problem with modern star wars is kathleen kennedy's fault. now, i don't agree with everything kennedy does but she's only the one greenlighting the movies. and don't even get me started on his hate boner for rachael zegler. this attitude also extends to any movie or tv show that dares to have diversity. if a movie or tv show nowadays so much as has a gay character, he will pounce on it. he has been open about the fact that he's a fan of the tv show the boys. how much are you willing to bet that he's one of those fans who praises the series for not caring about being political correct while not understanding that the lack of political correctness is what the series is MOCKING!
a frequent way to rebuff criticism is by asking the critic if they could do what the people they're criticizing are doing any better. well, the drinker decided to make a short film of his own last year with rogue element. and, he has forever lost his right to criticize any movie for being bad. because rogue element is horrible. ironically, most of the things that he criticizes about modern movies are present in rogue element but cranked up to the max. i guess these problems aren't problems when he does them. the actors in the film, god bless them, are clearly doing their best with what little they're given but even they can't save it. i'd even go so far as to say that, if it were feature length and madame web hadn't come out last year, it would be a serious contender for worst movie of 2024. to make matters even worse, after the reception was overwhelmingly negative, he changed the tagline from movie to "proof of concept". a classic case of being able to dish it out but not being able to take it. one of the commentors for the video sums it up quite well "complains about hollywood being unoriginal, proceeds to make unoriginal slop".
in my opinion, in frame out is a better film critic and he could almost be considered a spiritual antithesis to the drinker. he actually knows what he's doing, he gives due praise to the good movies that come out each year, he offers insightful criticism, and most importantly, he's not a bigoted piece of shit.