Misandrist Moms Raise Misogynist Sons - Misogynist Dads Raise Misandrist Daughters

If a mother constantly talks about how "men are trash" in front of her son, that boy is far more likely to grow up resenting women. If a father constantly degrades women in front of his daughter, she’ll grow up distrusting men.

Kids absorb what they hear at home. A boy raised by a misandrist mother won’t think, "Men are bad." He’ll think, "If this is how women see us, why should I respect them?" The same way a girl raised by a misogynist father will either internalize low self-worth or grow up hating men.

Misogyny and misandry don’t appear out of nowhere. They’re often planted in childhood. If you want your kids to respect the opposite gender, don’t teach them to hate half the population before they even step into the real world.