Does peritoneal pull through or penile inversion feel more like a natal vagina?

Hey all! I'm currently stuck deciding whether ppt or pi is the right surgery for me. I want my vagina to feel the most like a natal one to both myself and to others. I know that pi is best for safety, but ppt has the potential for natural "lubrication". I need more information to make some tradeoffs. So, I just have a few questions for anyone who has had the surgery or knows someone who had:

  1. How does pleasure differ between pi and ppt? I understand that with pi the skin of your shaft is used to line the canal. I can imagine how it would feel in this case, but I have a hard time understanding how the peritoneal tissue would feel.

  2. Similar to the above question, how does the canal feel to someone else? I've seen videos of the interior of people who have both surgeries. With pi, it looks dry and more skin like and with ppt, it looks wet and more like the inside of your mouth.
