Help Emma RR
I know I should have told you this sooner but i've noticed in more recent Total Drama character ranking videos that people are having Noah as their favorite and I hated it because it seems like everyone is taking the spotlight away from Emma RR. Also, I noticed the minimal fans Emma RR has (maybe 1 or 2). I think that Ridoncolous Race characters tend to have less fans than other generations which is a bummer. I really think that Emma RR deserves more attention - but even with Emma RR getting like a 6th/7th in a Total Drama Top 100 Character-like style, they'll always have Noah as their favorite or 2nd. This is also the reason why I stopped watching Total Drama Characters all together. I wish if Total Drama made a new season, they should return Emma RR and create a backstory of her and make her more important. I just can't believe about the fact that there are a large number of Total Drama Character rankings where Emma RR is ranked below Noah because of these reasons: Emma RR is usually less valued on rankings where she is liked and even if people don't have Noah as one of their favorites, Emma RR isn't consistently ranked high. I hope this lesson should be taken seriously.