Who's next to get popping in the states?

Let's be real it's so rare for Toronto rappers that are really in the streets to get popping in the states. They either get bagged or killed or can't cross the border because of charges. All that being said imo Bundog and Dr.Bushman and Dacrook and maybe AR Paisely can pop out there imo that's it. Let's just agree to disagree I don't wanna hear what about this guy and that guy. From THESE guys lmk who has the chance and if it's even possible? Idk who has pending charges and all that but I'm sure someone here can help out with that. And tell me in the comments why you think your choice can make it out is it good music/connections/ street cred...from every one that did make it out they had atleast 2/3 in they're bag so let's discuss

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