You could probably get really far just going for CL and Chronofield.
I understand there are pretty significant drawbacks to avoiding investment into your coin generation, but running pure damage labs and CL labs is pretty cheap for a long long while. You would probably perform very well in tournaments with raw damage and a Perma CF. You could skip the months and months and months for health and wall labs.
The stone income from performing well in tournaments could then be spent to develop GT BH and DW. Just an alternate direction for those that aren't interested in spending the first 4-6 months being an orb devo turtle.
Edit: I also feel like being able to push into the higher farming tiers really helps with reroll dice and Dorito income. You really can push coin labs out of priority for a long time and keep meaningful labs running on the cheap.
Edit #2: Thanks for all the great discussion! I think we can all agree the meta is established but its great to explore ideas!