Guardian chips, delayed gratification?
Someone said there was a spreadsheet on the discord that showed the projected values of the guardian chips based on what we know. I couldn't find it so I am speculating myself.
What we know is, not very much so this is all speculation.
So on the attack chip. I upgraded cooldown 12 times, cost increased 1 bit each time.
So 119 was bit 118 was 2bit 117 was 3 bit. Ect.
So assuming the increase stays the same. And you can decrease cooldown to 1sec. It would cost 7140bit total.
Which doesn't sound awful except you only get 185 bits a week.
You can buy bits with tokens however. 25bits is 25tokens, then 50, then 75, ect. We will assume that increase pattern holds true as well.
We get 185 tokens a week. And the total for all the guild store items is 875. The season is 8 weeks. So you can make 1480 tokens a season meaning you'll have 605 tokens left over for bits.
That's 6 bit purchases at the previous established increase cost, netting 150 extra bits a season.
(185*8)+150 = 1630 bits per season.
7140/1630= 4.38 seasons to max out one stat. Or 35 weeks give or take.
35 weeks to max one stat on one chip. Their are 3 stats per chip, and presumably 6 chips. I think this is one of the cheaper stats too. The other ones scale cost way faster. But we also don't know the max value.
Anyway point is. These chips are gonna be a hell of a grind.
And I choose the attack chip as an example, because in my opinion, that chip is only going to be useful at or below a 1second cool down, considering the randomness of its attack pattern, limited range and the relatively low amount of damage it does.