Hot Takes: Guild Edition
Some of these are repeats, but, well, they still hot hot:
UW Labs increase the value of Stones.
Not only should you not spend Gems on Modules before you've maxed (at least Common) Cards, but with "banners" in play, you should save (at least ~18k) Gems until the Module (we all) you want are at the higher odds.
Cells > Coin.
Cash = Coin, until you're Goldboxing at ~<500 Waves, or, if you're reading this and you haven't maxed or unlocked ELS yet: get Max Interest to at least Lv12. Experimentally this is worth ~300W per run!
Guilds are alright, but the rollout was TechTree typical. Wait this take isn't hot at all, but, maybe the future of Guilds will be. Shoutout to all the rando Tower players that got together and made it happen at the last box, only to get it turned into a pat on the back: ironically this made us all feel like gangsters still. THIS POST BROUGHT TO YOU BY ENTROPY SYNDICATE, what what, maybe.
The best players only have three T2 runs, lifetime. Only two on T3.
You aren't competing against other players until Keys.