What is your (personal) opinion on FTP?
So I just had a question on your personal opinion on how you would define/consider ftp.
Is it 100% strict only $0? Or do you consider the ad removal pack “essential” in terms of getting rid of annoying ads for a low cost. Ie if you’re going to play this game. Removal of ad is essential (tutorial over).
Then going further down, are u still considered to be ftp if you buy the other packs (or do you consider them essential)- then into milestones etc. ?
Do you stop being ftp the moment u buy even one stone pack? (Ie let’s say someone said I’ll buy u a pack for your birthday).
I personally consider the 3 packs “essential” and still “ftp” even if you have those packs. milestones and stone packs non essential, but stone packs considered more “ptw” than milestones.