Fudds, hear my plea! (QoL improvement idea)
I've got an idea for a QoL improvement that's been on my mind for a while now. I haven't read it here before so hear me out.
It would be great to have a "build preset" function with a couple of slots that saves all the different presets as one. That could include the following:
- Range Lab
- Shockwave Size Lab
- Modules (with levels)
- Card presets
- Workshop presets
- UW active/inactive
- Target Priority
- Extra Orb Range
- First Perk / Banned Perks / Auto Pick Ranking
- DM / Nuke automated activation
- Locked Upgrades (Free Upgrades Mastery)
- maybe even Tower/Background theme
- other presets I might have forgotten
The game has gotten more complex over the years (which is absolutely great) but with that comes more micro-management in between runs, especially when switching between farm runs, tournaments and milestone runs. I'm always really concentrated when changing everything around but sometimes I forget something and it's really frustrating when you're late into a farm run and you realize that you forgot to unban the +coins/-health tradeoff-perk because your coin income is low or you die really early in a tournament because you forgot to switch modules or activate certain UWs. I think everyone can relate here.
It's great that we have gotten more preset and toggle functions over time but it's still quite a lot of stuff to remember, so a "build preset" function would really increase the QoL here. It could work just like taking a screenshot of your current presets. Things like Extra Orb Range, Target Priority or UW toggling would still be adjustable ingame just like before. But when you start a new run you just select your preset and everything is back to where it was. It could be locked behind tournament keys in the harmony tree. I wouldn't mind saving for it. But on the other hand it doesn't create a disadvantage in tournaments for players that have not unlocked it yet. It's a pure QoL improvement.
What do you think? Is that something you would invest keys in or am I the only one?