What is the night feeling to you?
I just found this place, but I’ve experienced what you call “the night feeling” for years. I didn’t know if anyone else had the same experience, but I see I’m not alone.
I tended to call it “eerie calmness” before k found this place, because of the way I perceived it. It was a weird experience, unlike any other. In the back of my mind there is a subtle sense of unease, but also a paradoxical feeling of great calmness, nostalgia, and… something that’s hard to explain, but is generally positive. The feeling is almost hypnotic. It’s difficult for me to pull myself away.
I experience it mostly while inside. Like looking through a window out into the darkness. Incandescent lighting gives it a stronger effect for me. I don’t really experience it while outside. I believe this has something to do with needing to be on alert while outside, as well as exposure to the elements and thinking about my Destination. Being inside looking out through a window gives me the sense of peace and security I need to properly get into the night feeling without other concerns being at the forefront of my mind.
How do you experience the feeling? How would you describe it in your own words? What scenarios make it happen to you most strongly?