To the Flame Ruler quick play smurfs: Are you having fun?

Like, seriously. I play a lot of quick play and I see the same few blatant smurfs at Flame Ruler with ridiculous win streaks and insane gameplay, far, FAR above my Fujin self. I'd estimate some of them are Tekken King or even higher... What is the point?

Is it fun destroying people who don't know a single match up and barely know their own character? It baffles me, some smurf please explain.

Also, these aren't fresh accounts. I see the same smurfs weeks or months apart, still at flame ruler crushing newbies in quick play. I don't get it at all. Some of them are super toxic too; tea bagging, ki charging, constant taunting, etc. Also for some reason its Flame Ruler specifically that I see a lot of smurfs stay at.

Its just super confusing to me as the fun I find in Tekken is overcoming a challenging opponent, not obliterating them with a triple perfect.