Only the best when flying my birds

Flying my red tail hawk

Before anyone asks, you need federal/state/provincial permits to own, fly, and/or hunt with birds of prey (most places). It requires extensive knowledge as well as an apprenticeship to become a falconer. The hood (funny little hat) is to keep them calm and reduce stress while moving to/from/between fields. She is also allowed to fly wherever she wants when we're out, and willingly follows me and returns to my glove.

Flying my red tail hawk

Before anyone asks, you need federal/state/provincial permits to own, fly, and/or hunt with birds of prey (most places). It requires extensive knowledge as well as an apprenticeship to become a falconer. The hood (funny little hat) is to keep them calm and reduce stress while moving to/from/between fields. She is also allowed to fly wherever she wants when we're out, and willingly follows me and returns to my glove.