Taurus Customer Service

UPDATE: Taurus finally returned the call. In total this took 4 days by the time we connected. Their new ERP system failed to show that the magazines were out of stock. So between March 8, and the March 21, I waited for mags that they didn't have. THEIR SOLUTION: Cancel my order and I can try again when they are in stock. What ERP system doesn't provide real time inventory information? After the refund they had to go in and manually update inventory to 0 so I could even request to be notified when the mags were back in stock. I am fortunate as the only Taurus products I own are two TX-22's and the Mod 1 is already consigned for sale. I am tempted to dump the Mod 2 as well. Taurus has figured out how to use customer service and take an already second rate firearm and completely drop it in the toilet.

I ordered 3 mags for a TX-22 Mod 2 about 2 weeks ago. My card was charged the same day but nothing appears to have been shipped. Customer service announced a 110 minute wait time Tuesday when I called and I opted for a return call which I just missed (Thursday). I went through a 4+ month struggle getting the 3 free mags for the Mod 1, but this time I paid $90 and they went dark. No indication that they are backordered, on the way, nothing. I have not owned a Taurus for 35+ years other than these last two TX-22's (wife loves the gun) so I have had no recent experience other than the last year with Taurus' custiomer service. Current experience is deplorable. Anyone have any suggestions how to get a human on the phone at Taurus USA?