failed to submit. sad rant.

i was trying to submit my entry, 30mins before the deadline. unfortunately i forgot about the 'can only upload on desk top' rule and spent a good amount of time sending the files from my ipad to my computer. about 20mins left, i clicked upload on my computer. but it failed. because one additional image didnt fit the 3456 x 2520 size. my bad, ill just edit it and submit again. but a pop up stopped me in my tracks. i had to wait 20mins to submit again, to prevent spamming. even though i had failed to submit. i didnt have 20mins. i frantically tried to make another account but i had to sit through a tutorial of a game if i wanted to make a new account. and times up, i failed.

i probably wouldnt have won. but it still stings that i couldnt submit my creation. and yeah, i was late and thats on me. but i thought 30mins would be more than enough time to upload some images to a site.

i dont understand why we can only submit on desktop. some people dont own desktops and it would be so much more convenient if we could just upload using any device. and i really wish we could create a account on the supercell make site without having to go through a whole tutorial.

thanks for reading through my rant. id like to hear what other people think about this so please share your thoughts in the comments. and good luck to everyone.