Sunday is broken asf and people who are complaining are living in a different world.
I've seen some Sunday doom posting on this sub which is ridiculous to me. He is arguably the most broken character in the game.
Just because he's not as good as E1 Tribbie for Castorice doesn't mean he's not the BiS for like 15 other teams. E0 Sunday is comparable to RMC and E1 destroys her for Castorice.
Excluding Castorice, he's BiS for
Seele, JY, Blade, Jingliu, DHIL, E2 Acheron, Aglaea, Mydei, Anaxa
That's 9 DPS he's BiS for. And he's really good with a few other DPS like Feixiao and Ratio and ofc Castorice.
You guys complaining about Castorice (especially when he's still like her second best support) is like this meme
And I know most of this sub knows how absolutely bonkers broken he is, it's only some few weirdos.
And stop with the 'mAlE cHaRaCtEr is bAD'
Mydei and Herta are still stronger than Castorice. So is Anaxa. This "anniversary character" needs a very specific team and still gets outdamaged by an autoplay merchant and a subdps lmao.