My take…without Chris

The way Nick and Matt have been towards Chris in the last while, has me perplexed. Do they realise without Chris, they wouldn’t be where they are. IMO, Chris carries them, and always has. He has more personality than Nick and Matt put together. I have been following them since their second live on YouTube and I did enjoy them but Nick and Matt have almost become unbearable with the way they treat Chris. Nick has a huge ego and Matt became so fucking moody and miserable, while it seems that Chris has stayed true to himself. Chris hypes them up but they never say anything positive to him. When Matt had a problem with Chris burping, Chris did try and better himself (bar the video from the other day). I dunno, also when that rumour came out about Chris passing in an accident, I mean, if it had been my sibling, I would have sat down and thought about the loss and how it would effect me…I would have thought they would treat him better. However, it just seems to be getting worse. They also don’t take into account that he most likely is on the spectrum (and maybe because I am, I relate to Chris a lot). Chris isn’t perfect, but the lack of respect for the brother who got them on the map is wild. I would never watch Nick and Matt alone. Omg, the thought of that just sent me into a sullen mood. I had to laugh when Chris got his license (Matt had to shift over a bit on that podium lolol) and I wish Chris would sit it the drivers seat to knock that smug smile off of Matts face. And Nick thinking he is the funniest is beyond comprehension. Ah, well, that’s my take…hope everyone is good 😊

The way Nick and Matt have been towards Chris in the last while, has me perplexed. Do they realise without Chris, they wouldn’t be where they are. IMO, Chris carries them, and always has. He has more personality than Nick and Matt put together. I have been following them since their second live on YouTube and I did enjoy them but Nick and Matt have almost become unbearable with the way they treat Chris. Nick has a huge ego and Matt became so fucking moody and miserable, while it seems that Chris has stayed true to himself. Chris hypes them up but they never say anything positive to him. When Matt had a problem with Chris burping, Chris did try and better himself (bar the video from the other day). I dunno, also when that rumour came out about Chris passing in an accident, I mean, if it had been my sibling, I would have sat down and thought about the loss and how it would effect me…I would have thought they would treat him better. However, it just seems to be getting worse. They also don’t take into account that he most likely is on the spectrum (and maybe because I am, I relate to Chris a lot). Chris isn’t perfect, but the lack of respect for the brother who got them on the map is wild. I would never watch Nick and Matt alone. Omg, the thought of that just sent me into a sullen mood. I had to laugh when Chris got his license (Matt had to shift over a bit on that podium lolol) and I wish Chris would sit it the drivers seat to knock that smug smile off of Matts face. And Nick thinking he is the funniest is beyond comprehension. Ah, well, that’s my take…hope everyone is good 😊