Somali women and clan loyalty. IK another controversial topic.
To the women who proudly and viciously defend clan loyalty. How does this system actually benefit you when it has constantly failed you! Just a few decades ago Somali men would literally receive condolences if their wives gave birth to daughters 🤯. That’s how little value women held in this qabil system. Even today you’re not considered full members of your clans. You are treated like pawns traded off for alliances and divorced if clans fight all while being excluded from any real power and decision making whatsoever.
That guy who literally burned his pregnant wife alive a couple of months ago women from his clan took to the streets and rioted threatening the victims family and even the government . Just weeks later a video surfaced of men from the thr guys clan casually offering multiple women to the victim’s family as compensation. “Our son killed your daughter here, marry these women instead.” How does this make sense?
Shouldn’t you at least feel bad for another woman being harmed another life being destroyed? This is a level of cruelty that should make anyone question this entire qabil system.
What I’ve been seeing on social media recently is just horrendous. I don’t want to get into politics, but I just can’t help but wonder how much longer will this madness to go on?
We all know illiterate old people are stuck in outdated tradition and they’ve already ruined the future for so many. But the younger people especially those under 30 should reject this parasite of a system we don’t need violence or chaos but we need to think more logically. Why continue defending a system that doesn’t even serve you and causes so much division and suffering?
There are plenty of educated young women who could show how leadership unity and logical thinking not hating your neighbor because they happen to come from a different qabil can look. Maybe it’s women who can actually save Somalia.
And before anyone jumps to conclusions and accuses me of being a feminist (wich for the record I’m not advocating here) Save it. this isn’t about pushing some feminist agenda. It’s about fighting the clan system and the wars it fuels.
Speaking of which, have you seen the tribal clan war happening right now? People are literally fighting over barren land and rusted out ancient vehicles. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing. Ethiopians and others who want us to fail are laughing at us and it’s all driven by clan loyalty. Is this really what you want to defend?