Is there really a point to it all
So I have been thinking recently about the point to everything in life. If you do not subscribe to religion and I summarize all here as they all believe in some form of after-life, then what is the point to anything. Science states that earth will definitely end in 7.59 billion years and with the doomsday clock at 90 seconds to midnight (the closest it has ever been) humanity looks to be at an inevitable end long before that.
So back to my point if there is no afterlife in your belief system why sock money why help people out why strive for a better future for people it is all for no reason in the end none of it will exist all of our technology will not matter and could ultimately be our end. Anything anyone does that we praise them for we praise them with vanity and it all goes away in the end. So really who cares if anyone remembers you or celebrates you. As we all die it all goes away to ultimately nothing.