Dark Seven/Crackhead bald monk...

Don't know bout you ppl, but i would really like to see a whole a season of shadow killer Seven. The story tells us that the main character was an unstoppable killing machine, yet the series is focused on emotional narrations of everyone else. I would really, really like to see the dark side of his character more, because (in my humble opinion) his greatness as human being is somehow rooted to that shadow counterpart of his infamous past.

Also, last encounter with the monk was inconsistent: Monk had foreseen that Seven will crave revenge after revelation of his treacherous past, yet Seven as a killer almost died beacuse he fell in love with that white-haired girl and also saved Thirteen while he was poisoned by that frost blade. Idk how stupid you have to be to predict that Seven will suddenly stop caring about everyone close to him and just go on a revenge killing spree...Seven is/was, i think, always susceptible to the power of love and they used that "weakness" against him. Why would that monk predict something out of Seven's character twice and then spare him out of an incorrect prediction!? Bald Monk is a reaaaaly powerfull idiot/crackhead i guess...