Proving Grounds: Darth Malgus

Managed to beat the Malgus battle in Proving Grounds with this squad. This took at least 15 attempts so be patient, but eventually was able to clear the battle for one star. Darth Revan will most likely go first and get deathmark. On your first turn with SEE, link Malgus and Bastilla Shan Fallen. Use SEE’s basic next turn to get Deceived spreading. After that honestly hope for the best. Good luck!

Managed to beat the Malgus battle in Proving Grounds with this squad. This took at least 15 attempts so be patient, but eventually was able to clear the battle for one star. Darth Revan will most likely go first and get deathmark. On your first turn with SEE, link Malgus and Bastilla Shan Fallen. Use SEE’s basic next turn to get Deceived spreading. After that honestly hope for the best. Good luck!