Should I restart now that I know more?

I started this game a couple days ago with no knowledge of Warhammer 40k or this game’s systems. I now have listened to a ton of lore and I’ve finished what looks like all of whats in the first system, heading to the monestary.

Basically my character was planned to be a dual pistol gunslinger but it hasn’t proven doable so far, and he feels like he doesn’t do nearly as much as the companions in combat. The character’s RP is also a bit iffy (was going ironclast and jumped between heretical not knowing what it really means) and after knowing more lore I’m not sure which choices he would make anymore.

I have an idea for a cool new character with a fun build and good rp but I’m not sure if I should abandon my first playthrough for it or just push through and finish the game first. If you have a similar experience or hold some knowledge past mine, please share! Loving this universe so far, the feeling I get just thinking about immersing myself in this world is unlike anything any other game has provided!