Thoughts on River’s mother?

I’m fairly new to River’s story but the more I learn the more negatively I feel towards his mother. While I don’t want to negate her pain of losing a child, and I understand people grieve in different ways, her comments and posts about him and his death always just seem a little… I don’t know, off?

I may be being a little sensitive to it but now knowing how she really just kind of threw him to the wolves in acting and in COG, and quite possibly perpetuated a certain level of abuse by her own hands, her comments just don’t sit well with me.

If the family left COG when he was 7 and he was s*xually active until age 10, that’s 3 years of now questioning who was allowing this happen and who was it happening with? Does anyone know much about his life between COG and his break through in acting?

And does anyone know why John and Heart separated? I’m curious to know if it had anything to do with all that happened to River or if their relationship just ran it’s course.