Whats the most you've spent on a plant?

I know it's a little personal. And I know it's a relative thing.

I just spent the most I've ever spent on one plant. $75 for an Antherium longissimilobum, 2 leaves, fairly large. I felt it was a really good deal. I know there are plants that go for WAY more money.

I immediately had buyers remorse for spending so much on a plant. Then it got me thinking I never gave myself a price point I wouldn't cross. So for me, right now in my life, I wouldn't spend more than $100 on a plant.

I find I'm a more thrifty plant collector. I like plants like alocasias, because they grow their own tiny baby plants which I can grow and then sell and make some money and buy new plants.

What's your price point? What kind of plant collector are you?

Edit: I no longer have buyers remorse after thinking about my budget. I'm excited for my new plant to arrive.