MicroPie - An ultra-micro web framework that gets out of your way!

What My Project Does

MicroPie is a lightweight Python web framework that makes building web applications simple and efficient. It includes features such as method based routing (no need for routing decorators), simple session management, WSGI support, and (optional) Jinja2 template rendering.

Target Audience

MicroPie is well-suited for those who value simplicity, lightweight architecture, and ease of deployment, making it a great choice for fast development cycles and minimalistic web applications.

  • WSGI Application Developers
  • Python Enthusiasts Looking for an Alternative to Flask/Bottle
  • Teachers and students who want a straightforward web framework for learning web development concepts without the distraction of complex frameworks
  • Users who want more control over their web framework without hidden abstractions
  • Developers who prefer minimal dependencies and quick deployment
  • Developers looking for a minimal learning curve and quick setup


Feature MicroPie Flask CherryPy Bottle Django FastAPI
Ease of Use Very Easy Easy Easy Easy Moderate Moderate
Routing Automatic Manual Manual Manual Automatic Automatic
Template Engine Jinja2 Jinja2 None SimpleTpl Django Templating Jinja2
Session Handling Built-in Extension Built-in Plugin Built-in Extension
Request Handling Simple Flexible Advanced Flexible Advanced Advanced
Performance High High Moderate High Moderate Very High
WSGI Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No (ASGI)
Async Support No No (Quart) No No Limited Yes
Deployment Simple Moderate Moderate Simple Complex Moderate

EDIT: Exciting stuff.... Since posting this originally, MicroPie has gone through much development and now uses ASGI instead of WSGI. See the website for more info.