I finally asked some students about all the absences since Covid: Their advice? Go back to analog and ignore the whining

Like many of you, I have been struggling with student attendance, especially in larger lecture classes since Covid. I taught my upper division seminar last night, which is a really small group of great students. I told them all about the declining attendance trends and begged for their honest advice. For context, I teach at a flagship state university in a professional program - so the student population is different than it would be at a smaller and more elite private college. Most of them are there for job training vs higher education in and of itself.

Here’s what they said: Since Covid, most professors put a ton of course materials online. So now students assume that if they look at the the course website, read the textbook and do Google searches, they can just figure out the material for themselves. Exam performance shows that they cannot.

They also form note-taking cabals and rotate their attendance, so only one student will come to to class and either film the lecture or share their notes with the group. lt doesn’t matter to them at all if attendance counts substantially towards their grade: only the most grade-obsessed are unwilling to take the hit. For the past 3 years, 2/3 of them skip many, if not most lectures. I’m extremely self-critical, so I thought that maybe my teaching style no longer resonated. But to my surprise, I received excellent evaluations. The most recent comment I about me on RateMyProfessors is that I am “extremely enthusiastic and obviously love the material” but that my lectures are “information dense.” I’ve progressively lowered my standards over the last ten years, so I’m trying my best to meet them where they are.

Even though I tell them that they will be tested ONLY on lecture materials, Covid conditioned them to assume that they can eke by without coming to class. I can see how that might work in math or sciences, but it doesn’t work with history; I follow the textbook very loosely. They are always shocked when they get their first exam grades back, but that only moves the needle a little for a few weeks before they resume skipping. Since Covid, it’s gotten so horrible. 80% don’t know any differences between Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and confuse the Gothic with the Greek despite an entire survey class on those things just last fall. How is it even possible to confuse a Greek temple with a Gothic cathedral? And these kids intend to become architects!

So my students’ attendance advice was to eliminate as much of the online material as humanly possible. Don’t post any assignments, don’t post lecture slides. Only hand out paper in class. I should do everything just how it was done when many of us were in college and the internet barely existed.

I told them that I was worried if I did that, I would have to deal with massive complaints about not having a course site for them to study before exams. But they said if I was truly concerned about attendance and learning that going full analog was the only solution. One of my colleagues teaches a similar survey that is analog-only and they all like him regardless.

I have put hundreds of hours into the digital materials over the years and it seems like a terrible waste to purge them. I also truly believed that the more digital information I gave them (YouTube videos, website links, specific images to study) the more and better they would learn. I assumed that most cared about learning, but they just don’t. (That’s a whole separate and incomprehensible issue to me. Why are they in my program if they aren’t genuinely curious about it? It’s definitely not going to be for the money.)

If deleting all of those hours of computer labor and course site upkeep does improve attendance and learning, it will be worth it. So perhaps I will rebel and lead an Analog Revival. (I’m making a bad joke because I’ve been teaching them the Gothic Revival all week).

Has anyone else gotten similar student feedback and gone old school? If so, how has it worked out?