Saitama is big Stronk
Wait, a powerscaling post in a Powerscaling subreddit?!
That's illegal!
Hello hello it's me again, today I found a funny way to reaffirm once again that Saitama solo your fav.
Today menus:
- We gonna use OVA 6 Serious Sneeze to find Present Saitama Serious Sneeze/Serious Punch power ratio
- Uses two minimal values for the Serious Punch 2 and Serious Sneeze using no timeframe whatsoever.
- Solve for the difference.
Then, assume that Saitama got that strong in:
- 1.3 millisecond.
- or 1 second.
- or 5 minutes 20 seconds.
To find his growth rate. You guys can pick whatever speed you want between these 3.
- Note : All the OVA and Drama CD are directed and written by ONE. So this is semi-canon.
Step 1 : Serious Sneeze
- Each doorway is taller than Darkshine (>2.35 m)
- By assuming them to be 15 cm taller (the size of a smartphone), the main living room is about 18.5 meters in length.
- 18.5 meters x 2 and some more for the connection between the two parts end up at roughly 45 meters for the total length of the Villa.
- Saitama's sneeze didn't affect the entire villa, but rather about half.
- Dividing by two, two times let you find the radius of the area affected by his sneeze, 11.25 meters.
- 0.325 psi or 32,500/1,450,377 of a bar is what is commonly referred to as the overpressure required to shatter window glass.
Using R3⋅((27136⋅P+8649)(½)/13568-93/13568)2
11.25 m³⋅((27136⋅32500/1450377+8649)^(½)/13568-93/13568)² to be exact
Result in a explosion Sneeze's yield of 72.4625 grams of TNT or 334,203 joules.
Step 2 : Serious Punch²
The barebone energy one might give to the Serious Punch2 is the gravitational binding energy of the Earth2
- Earth's GBE² = 6.185169 × 1064 joules.
Since Saitama and Garou where in the dead center of the explosion, it's safe to assume that Saitama by himself was able to generate this kind of power even before fighting Garou.
Step 3 : Ratio
Assuming an perfect and equal ratio of Serious Punch2:Serious Sneeze power, the difference between the two would be, exactly 185,072,216,586,924,713,422,680,227,287,008,195,617,633,593,953,375,642,947,550.
or a bit over 185 octodecillion, eh.
Based on my estimation of Jupiter Serious Sneeze, which uses no timeframe (so it can fit into any of our growth rate) by the end of the fight, The power of future Saitama's Serious Punch is:
- 1.258 × 1036 joules x 185 octodecillion ≈ 2.33 × 1095 joules.
The tier "Universe level'' or 3-A is usually set a 2.825 x 1092 joules of energy.
So he would be ~825 times Universe level.
Step 4 : Exponential Growth
Instead of using Kyle Hill estimation of the graph, I'm just going to do some trial and error until I find the right value with the right amount of time: which, luckily for all of you, I've already done using
Example of Saitama's growth in timed fictional moment
Frieza's 5 minutes :
- 320 s rate : 2.33 × 1095 J ⇢ 1.077 × 10124 J, 46 octillion times stronger.
- 1 s rate : 2.33 × 1095 J ⇢ 1.474555308161559×109268 J, over 6.3 × 109172 times stronger.
- 1.3 ms rate : 2.33 × 1095 J ⇢ 2.33×107092095 J, over 107092000 times stronger.
Yeeeah, I wanted to make another comp with the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super and its 48 minutes, but let's not...
I think my calculator is going to explode. (´▽`;)💦
Obvious conclusion :
Even If you ran with the idea of Saitama having nothing else than exponential growth at his disposal and him being a heavy hitter, he would be a VERY BIG heavy hitter.
Obviously, I can see from miles people that will say idiocy like "3D AP" or that follow the tiering system definition like the Bible to say "Nuh uh its finite AP! + dimensional scaling and and and and "
shaddup, I don't give a crap about that.
I just go by what I can quantify.
... good?
Thanks for reading this post, (。^▽^)
don't forget, Saitama will always win in One punch, man.