Ghost kitty
As a young child I had two cats, mothra, a big fluffy brown cat and mr kitty whiskers, a Siamese flame tip. Every now and then I would leave my drawers open and there is a gap between like the container itself and the drawer when it’s pulled out. Every now and then a kitten, who I could HEAR and almost see would be behind that drawer. I always thought it was mothra hiding because of how fluffy he is. I would pet him and talk to him and stay with him before getting my clothes. I remember feeling his fluffy hair for goodness sakes. Yet one day After petting the cat, I went to the restroom and there was mothra, sitting on my counter. I freaked out and told my mother that there was a kitten stuck in my drawer so we checked and there was nothing. I’m so confused on what happened… how could mothra be in there, a cat that rarely makes a sound by the way. How could a cat who constantly purrs and meows and feels like mothra be in that space when mothra is right there?