panic attack, or stroke ?

20 minutes ago, i came back from urgent care after going for chest pain, breathing issues, numbness, cough. i went into a deep panic. i fainted, shook, had horrible pain, numbness. this lead to me going to the UC.

im there, they do a EKG, check blood pressure, look at my eyes, my throat, pricked my finger to check iron. my lungs are clear, heart is fine. my thyroid is swollen, so hyper/hypo is possible. she said nothing with my heart was wrong, no heart attacks, nothing abnormal.

thing is, currently, one side of my head and face is tingly, aswell as my one arm. Feels like the eyes vision is bad too. i havent slept for a day, so im tired. im worried i went for the wrong thing. or that im having a stroke rn. can panic attacks linger? Like the headaches, numbness, aches, vision issues? and for hours?

how do you tell the difference? should i go back to uc ?