People go nuts with 6vs6 and its awesome
The recent patch has offered the 6vs6 comp option and I have played it basically nonstop since this. My observations so far.
1. People love playing tank. No joke. I am a tank main and intended to play the open queue matches as tank. I grew lazy and last years, as I could select my main late in the match as I would always get my role and main (fix queue comp). Little did I expect that people love playing tank now and I sometimes neither get my main nor tank at all! I had to play support. Support! I cant believe it. The overall popularity of the mode is very high, I find a game usually within 60 seconds.
2. Main tank / off tank combos are back. People fucking love playing Rein/Zarya, X/Diva, X/Ball. Its awesome. I can get to play ball and actually have FUN plays without being yelled at! I can wreck havoc in the backline of the enemy team without having my team being obliterated! Wow!
3. People automatically go back to 2/2/2. Even in the current open queue, 90% of the games have 2 of each role, without any need to force or coerce players. I had one game with 3 supports once but most games are very traditional. I seems, people just like their traditional system.
4. The balancing is still a bit off. I die a lot as a main tank (Rein) because either supports are not used to having to support 2 tanks, or current DPS settings are too strong (keep in mind, tanks are somewhat nerfed currently with lower health). It will take a few months until balance is back but I am sure we will get there.
Overall, its almost as Blizzard wrecked a perfectly good game for nothing. I am sure 6vs6 will be standard again in the future. While I am grateful for various changes to the game and heroes due to OW2, the 6vs6 mode is GOAT.