Tower of Ovlae Charsta'lea Observation Log 1048; Sun and Cyclops.

Out there, within the forest of Ovale Charsta'lea is a unsuspecting tower full of puzzeling Vagabonds and displaced creatures.

I visit it once every few decades, every visit I am met with a new face to greet me.

This year it was two, not surprising as I had met at least 13 at once during the era of Anne Marie but these two were... Familiar? No that would not be the word. These two brought a sort of deja vu to my mind, which was surprising since I had never met a living sun nor a female headless... cyclops in my lifetime.

As if I made been there when the two were coronated as husband and wife... Eh, I chalk everything inside that tower up to insanity anyway not like it's going to affect me once I'm out of it.

The two were (as expected) larger than they would have been in their own worlds, but still taking up only a small space in that impossibly large tower that looked so thin from the outside. They didn't really mind staying there for a while, not until they got trasported back by the magic of the tower or by something else.

I left them to be after gathering some notes about their behaviours which I will not share as to keep their privacy.

Faffy would have loved to talk with them, as she did all the others that we came to know yet never saw again.

I miss her.

—An excerpt from Charsta'lea La Liber, by Seig De'Alexandre. ...

If you look all the way down you cansee Seig aura farming.

Out there, within the forest of Ovale Charsta'lea is a unsuspecting tower full of puzzeling Vagabonds and displaced creatures.

I visit it once every few decades, every visit I am met with a new face to greet me.

This year it was two, not surprising as I had met at least 13 at once during the era of Anne Marie but these two were... Familiar? No that would not be the word. These two brought a sort of deja vu to my mind, which was surprising since I had never met a living sun nor a female headless... cyclops in my lifetime.

As if I made been there when the two were coronated as husband and wife... Eh, I chalk everything inside that tower up to insanity anyway not like it's going to affect me once I'm out of it.

The two were (as expected) larger than they would have been in their own worlds, but still taking up only a small space in that impossibly large tower that looked so thin from the outside. They didn't really mind staying there for a while, not until they got trasported back by the magic of the tower or by something else.

I left them to be after gathering some notes about their behaviours which I will not share as to keep their privacy.

Faffy would have loved to talk with them, as she did all the others that we came to know yet never saw again.

I miss her.

—An excerpt from Charsta'lea La Liber, by Seig De'Alexandre. ...

If you look all the way down you cansee Seig aura farming.