Looking for in-home dog sitter
I’ve tried this before with success, so I’m back again. I am searching for someone who works from home to hangout with my 3 mini-Aussies two (maybe more) days a week. Hours are typically 9-3. It consists of letting them outside to potty and playing once a day.
My home is quiet, clean, has a private office, a patio to work outside and great internet. It’s also lush with houseplants, if you’re into that. Located in West Omaha, near 168th & Maple.
The dogs are well-behaved and mostly sleep all day. The reason I need in-home care is two of them have kidney disease and cannot go more than 3 hours without being let outside. I currently use 2 sitters but one is moving in May, so would be looking for someone to start then.
If you are interested, please message me! If we vibe we can set up a meet and greet. Thanks for looking!