I dunno.

We really work for a company that truly does not value (most of) us. I’m not talking out SM/GM as we know we can have some amazing managers that really do care for their employees, I’m speaking about DM, corp, etc. This company is pure TRASH.

I hear corporate monitors this Reddit eh? Well, FUCK YOU!! Fuck your parents too. Our mental and psychical health is so much more important than this company cares to realize. We work our fucking asses off for this trash ass company. It used to be fun working here, and while some stores may still be having fun on a daily while crushing goals, most of us are fkng TIRED! We are overworked, and underpaid, but still expected to do so many things while struggling. Asking 2-3 people to run a store is a bit insane in my opinion, but who asked me right. You can hear it in our voices, see it on our faces, but again, we’re not valued so it’ll only get worse. Hopefully those of us that want out are able to get out very soon.

If you’re a customer, mind your business. If you’re an ass kisser of corp, mind your business.

Raggedy money hungry cūnts. 🙂

I’m open to hearing how you see this company values us, cause I don’t see shit.

Excuse my French although I’m speaking English. 💛