Save mode(s)?
I bought NMS in 2019, and my first save is still there and shows a total play time of 31 minutes..
Tried again getting in the game in 2021 and the save shows a total play time of 59 minutes.
This year finally I got into the game, and after just over 10 hours in creative mode, to understand the game mechanics, I have now over 157 hours in normal mode, and even started a survival mode save.
So far I liked the game, even if repetition is getting to me a bit and found the main arcs quite underwhelming and boring, I'm enjoying the sandbox elements of the game, exploration and such.
I'm currently farming crashed ships for parts in order to craft myself the best looking ship for each craftable type. I literally have an spreadsheet file with timers to farm crash site locations as they respawn, keeping tabs on which individual parts each ship is made of.
Today I started looking into exotic ships and bought my 1st one after sitting on a tradepost and reloading enought times to map all 20 ships and finally an exotic Royal Type-7, S-Class.
Then I thought: since I already have a list of all craftable ship I may find in the system, let me find out what parts are they made of so I decide if it's worth looking for crashed ships in this system. My idea was to save the game, buy each craftable ship that shows up in the station, disassemble it for parts and write them down, reload my original save.
Here is when I found out how bad the save system is. There is basically no real manual save, as saving the game through a save beacon gets overwritten by the autosave each time you exit a ship.
This is literally the only thing so far that I find really annoying: having no control over your saves.
Is there any workaround to this?