Imagine how pissed we're gonna be if the Switch 2 direct in April is lame.
It's probably not because Nintendo builds hype for announcements they think are important and they do not for things that aren't but imagine the RIOTS if this direct blows.
Like imagine the whole thing is the most disappointing thing ever:. Something like: "Hello this is Furukawa, here's a better look at mario kart 8 2: bubble blast. As you can see it is running on Switch 2. Switch 2 comes out in October for 500 dollars and it uses the old home menu. also the c button is actually a second capture button like all those stupid idiots kept saying because fuck you. Actually I change my mind it's actually a traditional C button like on the gamecube and n64 controller. Also we added these optical laser diodes to the joycon but we have decided to not use them on any games. I'll see you on the track when mario kart 8 2: bubble blast races on to nintendo switch 2 in march of next year. goodbye"