best budget camera setup? mounted to bike or helmet?

hey y'all,

I'm looking for recommendations for a decent (budget) camera setup. I want a camera that I can have running anytime I ride, to capture anything unexpected, crashes for insurance, moto vlogging, etc. There's no specific purpose I suppose, but I do want to motovlog.

I feel like the best choice would be an insta360, just because you can mount it to the front of the bike, and it can capture everything. the view infront of you, your own face, etc. but of course the prices are incredibly high for a camera.

I wouldn't mind something chin mounted to my helmet, but this might make it way too difficult to keep charged, since the batteries on these cameras are way too tiny, and I would need it to be plugged in constantly.

Just looking for any recommendations on how y'all film your rides. the roamix looked decent, but saw some bad comments about it on a few other subs.
