17 year old YT account and started making progress past 3 months

I just wanted to post to the community who have old accounts thinking they cannot resurrect them.

For many years I have randomly posted videos on my YouTube, often months or even years in between. A couple of years ago I also went through a short period of posting shorts of me playing famous guitar solos.

But three months ago I decided to take things more seriously. I commited to posting once a week or at most once every two weeks if a more significant video, mainly focusing on helpful content to guitarists and musicians. I also spent many hours in Canva designing new brand assets, fonts and colour schemes, as well as templates to use to keep everything consistent.

The result was an increase from around 300 subs to 555 and big changes in watch time and views.

I am finally making good progress towards monetisation now which is exciting. Still a way to go (around 1.2k watch hours so far) but I set a goal for the end of the year to hit it, although I am also just enjoying the journey.

Hopefully this post helps a few that are unsure about using old accounts to resurrect.