Nature of the Dying light.

I haven't seen many zombie fan fiction so I'll try. This is a cross over between Dying Light and Nature of Predators.


Equivalent date stamp... October 30th, 1961.... Captain Nuevila Gojid Union. Error...none.

"How much longer"

"Captain, I know, none of us want to be here but the drive core needs to"

My engineer was interrupted by the ship suffering an overload.

"Sensors! What happened"

"The humans just set off a nuclear weapon... more than 50 megatons..."

"How... how many died"

"By the Protector... no major change in life sign readings"

The realization hit me that's why the federation hadn't destroyed them yet, the monsters just survived something stronger than an antimatter warhead. The rest of federation has to know immediately.

"Engineering we need to go"

"Ten minutes"

"Navigation, the second we can leave get us to Venil Prime, and Sensors, get everything ready to transmit and have a backup in the Blackbox"

Equivalent date stamp... November 10, 1961...General Karam. Venil Space Corps. Error...none.

This is bad, very bad. First a Golid ship arrives with everyoneon board dead, then, the Blackbox shows the humans can survive orbital bombardment, and now of course everyone is now panicking.

Let's hope the Governor can figure some thing out on Aafa.

Equivalent date stamp... November 30th, 1961...Chief Tikous. Federation. Error...none.

"What was that human disease that turn turn animals into super predators?"

"Uh... rabies...what are you thinking! That could backfire and...."

"The people want answers and they now think antimatter won't work but a bioweapon might calm them down, and don't even think about the cure that still doesn't work on them"

"The Farsul cannot be a part of this!"

"I don't need you, just the data. NOW!"

Equivalent date stamp 2040...Captain Jasam. Krakotl Alliance Command. Error I-1

Almost done with this blighted world, thirty years, hundreds of virus variants, and countless lost agents and two percent still live. No wonder normal extermination protocols didn't work, these things are nigh on unkillable. At least they never be a threat to the galaxy again and we can final head home.

Just waiting for the last of the team to make it back to the ship. Normal a relief ship would have arrived, but sometimes the realities of space flight get in the way.

"Captain we just lost power on deck six"

"Did the infected get in!" The new navigator is panicking again.

"Relax (rank equivalent ensign), this ship needed overhaul when we left, it's probably just a blown fuse. Besides the disease only affects predators, and there are no humans on my ship." I need to get him off the bridge to protect moral... "come with me we're going to fix it"

"Yes, sir"

After a short journey to deck six we disembarked the lift, almost immediately hit with a horrible smell. I know that smell.. why....

"Sir...what happened down here?"

"Without power the ventilation systems are down, check your light and follow me"

maybe...., no this is something else.

It only took a few minutes to find the junction box.

"Hold the light steady, I'll have this fix in a second"

"Captain, something just moved"

"Yes, there are fifty people on this deck...and got it. Nothing to worry about"

I turned to watch the lights come back and claw?....

*error I-1 signal end....

Equivalent date stamp 2041... Head Preserver. Error...none.

"To humanity... I am sorry. On these probes I have included multiple memory transcripts to explain why the federation did this to you. I also put all of the federation technology and history in each one's data. I don't have the right to ask but."

"Preserver! We lost deck 5! We need to launch now."

"Please save the others, you're their last hope. Finalize and launch....set auto destruct authority.....

Data end...
