Please help me find this movie

I remember this movie from a couple years ago i watched on neflix. I can barely remember it and i'm gonna sound stupid trying to describe. I believe it was an adult animated movie with live action (kinda like the amazing world of gumball) that took place in san fransisco with characters of different designs that were different objects or animals like i remember the main characters best friend was like a dude with a skull for on his head with a flame on top, i think there was an eagle character. As for the plot itself, again i can barely remember it but i believe it was about the main character and his friends getting caught in the middle of an alien invasion. And i think one of the main plot twists was that the main characters dead mother was also an alien. Again i know i sound insane trying to describe this but please i'm begging someone to find this movie because it feels like something i dreamt but i really need to know if this movie actually exists😭